From Calendar: General
Location: Chapel
Join us in the chapel on for our longest night service. So often the world tells us the holidays should be happy and full of joy all the time. While we all know that this season is more complicated than that, and the feelings we carry can be deeper than what Christmas lights and holiday movies can fix. When the feelings are deep and night is long - sometimes all we can do is gather, pray and wait together. This service is a space to come as you are, to bring all that you carry, and find a moment to rest. This service is not a cure or a quick fix. Rather it is a space to be, to pray, and to be reminded that the dawn is coming, the world is turning, even when we cannot hold it for ourselves. You are welcome here, so come, join us. See you at 5:30 on December 20th.
From Calendar: Music Events
Location: Fellowship Hall
Chancel Choir meets in Fellowship Hall for rehearsal