Presbyterian Women

Our Purpose
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witness to the promise of God's kingdom.
The women of First Presbyterian Church gather for a Women's Retreat every Fall. Our anticipated date for the 2023 Retreat will be November 3 and 4th. Watch for more information forthcoming in the "Messenger Light" Newsletter as plans are completed.
Our Circles
Our circles meet each month at the church and use the PC(USA) Women's "Horizon Bible Study".
- Kerygma - meets in the Kerygma Room at 12:30 p.m., every second Monday August through May. Bring a sack lunch.
- Sarah Circle - meets in the Kerygma Room at 12:30 p.m., every third Sunday August through May. Bring a sack lunch.
Our Celebration of Creative Ministries:
Recognition of God's blessings to us. The Thank Offering originated with Mrs. Elizabeth Clokey of Springfield, Ohio. Her plan was to have each woman give $1.00 over and above her usual contribution to the Women's General Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church of North America as a "thank offering to her Lord." In 1888, a day was set aside as a day of prayer and thanksgiving. The meetings were to be a "concert of prayer and praise and the gathering of the Thank Offering." The gifts were presented at the annual convention and it was decided that this should be an annual feature of the convention. It is certain that these gifts represented much soul-searching and self- sacrificing on the part of many women. It has been said the women's giving saved the worldwide missionary movement at that time. The thrust of how and where the money should be used has changed over the years, but a "Thank Offering to her Lord" has continued to be an important part of women's giving by Presbyterian Women. This expression of Thanksgiving will be an important part of Presbyterian Women. The offering will be received in the fall.
Recognition of our heritage. In 1922 ten years after the Women's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS) was formed, the women sought an appropriate way to celebrate what the Auxiliary had meant to them. Mrs. Hallit Paxson, Winsborough, Superintendent of Women's Work, touring mission stations in the Orient, visited Miss Dowd's School for Girls in Kochi, Japan. She saw inadequate facilities and crowded rooms and recognized a need which could be met by Presbyterian women in the United States. Returning home she challenged all women of the church to give one penny for each year of their lives (or a dollar) as a "Birthday Gift" to those school girls in Japan. Thus began a tradition of annual Women of the Church Birthday Celebrations. The offerings have enabled a long succession of new and often innovative mission projects to be accomplished both overseas and in the United States. PW will continue this tradition.
We all have little blessings every day. This is one way of saying "thank you" and also a way to help others. The money turned into the Treasurer from each circle is given to the church for the "In As Much Fund."
The world bank represents our oneness with women around the world. We each give a least coin (in our case one penny.) A devotion and prayer is given at each circle meeting from the yearbook of prayer. This money is dedicated at the February Gathering.
Our unique gift shop of hand-crafted items is located in the Commons Area by the north entrance of the church. We are open on Sunday mornings from 9:45 am - 11:00 am and 12:00pm- 12:30 pm and during regular church office hours by appointment. The Sunbonnet Mission Shop is sponsored by the Presbyterian Women of FPC and all proceeds go to missions.
Located at Menaul School. Young people from all over the world receive a good education in a Christian atmosphere. Formerly supported by the Mission Board of the Presbyterian Church, now partially dependent on friends for support. Menual is a day school for Middle and High School students.