Week 2 Activities
Bible Story: "Or consider the things of Old..."
Story: Jerusalem in all her glory! Click the video above to view the story for Week 2.
Scavenger hunt: Find something in your house that is broken.
Reflection: Think of someone who has died of Covid-19 or someone who is sick. Color your prayer.
- Write a note to someone who is homebound or grieving.
- Find the book of Isaiah in the Bible. Read Chapter 1: 1 - 3
- Build a fort out of sheets or boxes or whatever. Tear it down!
Supplies needed:
- Copy of Praying in Color*
- Crayons or markers*
- Drawing Paper*
- Note cards**
- Bible
- Fort building materials from home
+The story will be posted on the First Presbyterian Church web page.
*Supplies available at the church.
**Cards available for a donation from the Sunbonnet Shop
Here are examples of forts you can build at home!

Don’t forget to post pictures of your projects on our Facebook page!
Here’s a preview of a new song we will be learning for Week 3 of M.A.D. Camp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvFAnFXGx50

Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying
Lord, listen to your children praying,
Lord, send your Spirit in this place.
Lord, listen to your children praying.
Send us love;
Send us power;
Send us grace.
MUSIC drawn from Glory to God : the Presbyterian Hymnal, 2013. Published by Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, Kentucky.
TEXT and MUSIC: Ken Medema, 1970
TEXT and MUSIC © 1973 Hope Publishing Company