Week 3 Activities
Bible Story: "I am about to do a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"
Story: The people find God in exile, and hear the promise of returning home. God is not just in Jerusalem in the Temple; God is everywhere, even with the exiles in Babylon.
Scavenger hunt: Find the newest thing in your house.
Reflection: What are you thankful for in this time? Color your prayer.
- Plant some seeds.
- Find 2 Bible stories that have to do with planting seeds.
- Make something edible in your kitchen that you have never made before and eat it.
Supplies needed:
- Copy of praying in Color*
- Crayons and Markers*
- Drawing Paper*
- Bible
- Ingredients in your kitchen!
- Seeds*
- Dirt
- Pot for planting*
*Supplies available at the church

Don’t forget to post pictures of your projects on our Facebook page!

God Makes All Things New
Behold, behold God makes all things new
Beginning with you and starting from today.
Behold, behold God makes all things new,
God’s promise is true, and God will show the way.
(adapted from “Behold, Behold I Make All Things New”) Copyright 1995
The Iona Community. GIA Publications, Inc. exclusive North American agent.