
Joining The First Presbyterian Church Family
First Presbyterian Church is a family of faith, united by trust in God and faith in Jesus Christ. We warmly welcome all who accept and respond to God's saving grace in Jesus Christ and desire to participate in the life and ministry of this church. Our worship and activities are provided for members and nonmembers alike.
We invite you to participate fully in our church. We also encourage you to consider becoming a member and making First Presbyterian Church your church home.
It is hoped that the material in this section will help you understand what is involved in joining our church family.
Responsibilities of Church Membership
A faithful member accepts Christ's call to be involved responsibly in the ministry of His Church. Such involvement includes:
- proclaiming the good news
- taking part in the common life and worship of a particular church
- praying and studying Scripture and the faith of the Christian Church
- supporting the work of the church through the giving of money, time and talents
- participating in the governing responsibilities of the church
- demonstrating a new quality of life within and through the church
- responding to God's activity in the world through service to others
- living responsibly in the personal, family, vocational, political, cultural and social relationships of life
- working in the world for peace, justice, freedom and human fulfillment
Steps To Membership
Step One
Individuals interested in the becoming involved in the life of First Presbyterian Church as a member are invited to use the Request For Contact Page or to call the church at (505)764-2900 with your name, address, phone number and email. Please indicate if you wish to join First Presbyterian Church and become a full, active member; or would like to receive information about First Presbyterian Church's programs. This informs the church of your interest so that we may contact you.
Step Two
A minister or a member of our Membership Committee will contact you to set up a time to meet and talk about your interest in First Presbyterian Church. This meeting is informal and provides the church an opportunity to meet you and answer any questions you might have about our church and formal membership. It also offers you a chance to obtain specific information about our church, its programs, Presbyterianism or other matters.
Step Three
Meet with Members of the Session.
Members join our church in one of three ways:
- By Letter of Transfer: If you are currently a member of another Christian church that will grant transfer of membership, we will accept your membership and baptism and receive you into membership.
- Reaffirmation of Faith: If you have been an active member of another church that will not grant a transfer of membership, you may reaffirm your faith and be received into membership.
- Profession of Faith: If you have never been a member of a Christian church, nor have made a public profession of faith, you may be received pending a conference with a pastor. If you have not been baptized, a time will be set for you to be baptized.
Step Four
After you are received as a member of First Presbyterian Church your membership will be recognized during one of our regular Sunday morning services of worship.
Step Five
As a full member of our church family you are encouraged to live the life of a responsible church member. Some of these responsibilities are listed above.
If you are interested in membership in Our Church, or just want more information than we have on this web site Contact Us or you can call the Church at (505)764-2900.