First Presbyterian Church offers two regular Sunday worship services, one at 8:30am and at 11:00am.
8:30am Service
This service, held in our downstairs Fellowship Hall (accessed most easily from the south side of the building), is the more informal of our two services, with no organ and a pick-up choir that meets at 8:00 a.m. to rehearse that Sunday’s anthem. In the summer (Memorial Day to Labor Day) worship is moved outdoors to a courtyard just below the main church building. Worshippers are invited to share in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Table every Sunday. Hunger offerings for the Rio Grande Food Project are received at the communion table the first Sunday of every month. Infant care (infants to 5-year-olds) is provided for this service. Parents are encouraged to bring older children to worship with them. Children’s and Adult Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 (after the 8:30 service).

11:00am Service
This classic service of Reformed Christian worship is held in our sanctuary and features the Chancel Choir, accompanied by music from the second largest pipe organ in the state. This service includes a time for children and occasionally features the children’s/youth choir. Childcare (up to 5-years old) is provided for this service. Communion normally is served the first Sunday of every even-numbered month. On these Sundays, hunger offerings are received at the communion table for the Rio Grande Food Project.
All services include congregational hymn singing, a time of confession and forgiveness, readings from God’s Word typically taken from the Revised Common Lectionary, and a sermon exploring how we might hear and think about God’s Word for us. We pray for creation, the world of nations, our own nation, and our surrounding community, and we offer up our own lives and gifts in response to the many ways in which we ourselves have been blessed. Infants and adults alike are sometimes welcomed into the household of God through the sacrament of Baptism. Always through worship, we enter into God’s presence so that we might carry a sense of God with us as we go to love and serve this world that God so loves, in the Way of Jesus Christ.
We are also livestreaming our worship service on Sundays at 11:00am.
To partake in online worship with us, please click on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCtefdBVIyzXtOpdikx2nFg. You will be redirected to our Youtube channel to view the services.
If you are unable to join us online on Sunday mornings at 11:00am for worship, the service will be livestreamed and recorded to be available on our Youtube Channel and on our Facebook page throughout the week.
Click the link to subscribe to our Youtube channel and watch past services and pastoral videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCtefdBVIyzXtOpdikx2nFg
If you have a Facebook account, you can follow us at First Presbyterian Church @albuquerquefirst and view our worship recordings as well.
For in-person worship and most of our normal church practices, it is important to keep in mind the following guidelines approved by our Church Session and the CDC in regard to COVID-19:
¨ In accordance with CDC guidelines, masks are optional.
¨ If you have any reason to believe you may need to be tested for Covid or are awaiting the results of recent Covid test, please refrain from attending in-person services.
¨ Anyone in attendance who subsequently tests positive for COVID is asked to contact the church so we can inform congregation of possible exposure.