Christian Education

The ministry of Christian Education at First Presbyterian Church is to provide a safe, comfortable environment where people of all ages can gather to study the word of God, to advance their personal faith journey, to pray together and to support one another. This ministry develops experiences and programs that take into consideration our diversity of age, theology, and spiritual development, with love, respect, humility, openness, and concern toward all our members, friends, and neighbors in community.
This year, as we are all facing challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, some of our Sunday School offerings will be hosted via Zoom Meetings following our Sunday Worship Service. We encourage families to attend any of our Christian Education classes at any time throughout the year.
Children ages 3 through 5th Grade participate in "Godly Play". This Montessori-based program is a unique approach to religious education, inviting children to wonder about themselves, God and the world in a way that is playful and meaningful to them. Godly Play respects the innate spirituality of children and encourages them to use their curiosity and imagination to experience the mystery and joy of God. All of our teachers and volunteers attend Safe Church Training and submit to a background check.
Our teachers follow the PCUSA "Godly Play" and "We Believe" curriculum, which teaches children who God is, who and whose they are, and what they are called to be and do. Our "Gateways to Worship" program offers kindergarteners a year of introductory lessons to worship, sacraments and the church year.
Adults have several Sunday School options, as well!
Adult Sunday School Classes are taught throughout the year and follow various curricula based on books, guest speakers, and topics of interest for our congregation.
The “Through the Bible Class,” is at 9:45am every Sunday, using The Present Word curriculum. Our current quarter will be in person, CE room 219.
*** If you would like to follow along with our various studies, please visit our YouTube channel for educational videos featuring guest lecturers and our pastoral staff - First Presbyterian Church YouTube Channel
First Presbyterian Church is a family of faith. We are a large and diverse community who share a common faith in Jesus Christ. Together we celebrate God’s love through the various activities of our church. We warmly welcome you to participate in the life and ministry of this church. All of our classes are offered for members and nonmembers alike. We hope you will prayerfully consider joining one of the following classes for spiritual study.