
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19)
In mission, the church joins God's work in the world and lives out Jesus' Great Commission to his disciples. The church is called to participate in God's mission of healing and reconciliation. The church ministers to the poor, the sick and the powerless and struggles to help liberate people from hunger, oppression and injustice while giving itself to those who suffer.
In fulfillment of this calling, First Presbyterian Church participates in local, national and international mission. We partner with many worthy organizations and constantly look for new ways to serve God through mission.
We invite our members and friends to listen for God's call and to get involved in mission.
First Presbyterian Church Mission Opportunities.
Click on the name of each of the following Organizations to see their website and get more information.
A Childs Garden
A Childs Garden Preschool, a non-sectarian community outreach program of First Presbyterian Church, is committed to providing a developmentally appropriate learning environment for a diverse population of young children respectful of the individual needs, cultural heritage and identity of each child.
All Faiths Receiving Home
All Faiths was founded in 1956 by a group of concerned citizens who saw a need in their community for better care for vulnerable children. Their commitment led to the creation of All Faiths Receiving Home, and we continue to care for children and families with the same spirit of activism and responsiveness to the needs of the community and those we serve. All Faiths' goal is to provide services to children and their families in a healthy environment which includes education, treatment, advocacy, food, clothing, affordable and safe housing, and supportive and nurturing care givers.
Camino De Vida
Camino de Vida is a ministry that proclaims the Good News and that follows the example and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. We do this by living Jesus' way of compassion, love, inclusiveness and social justice to all human kind. Our ministry embraces people from all ethnic backgrounds, age, gender, cultural traditions, nationality and socio-economic level. Our community services include Spiritual Development, Pastoral Care, Reconciliation, Healing and Wholeness, Social Justice, Counseling, Christian Education, Mission and Outreach.
Cuban RPC
In 1890 a small group of Presbyterians began to meet in Havana. They asked the Presbyterian Church in the USA to send them a missionary. A visit was made and the First Presbyterian Church in Havana was established that same year, with the first ordained Cuban Presbyterian pastor. A few years later, in 1895, the church had to close because of the Cuban War of Independence against Spain. In 1900 Protestant missionaries arrived in Cuba, at the time of the intervention of the USA in the war. Among them were several Presbyterians who re-initiated the work of the Presbyterian Church. During the following sixty years the church stood out in the organization of excellent schools and its participation in social service, especially literacy programs. In the same way, its ecumenical foresight led the church to found the Council of Churches in Cuba in 1941 and, together with the Methodist and Episcopal churches, the Theological Seminary of Matanzas in 1946.
Datil NM Food Project
A food bank is a non-profit, charitable organization that distributes mostly donated food to a wide variety of agencies that in turn feed the hungry. The largest sources of food are for-profit growers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers who in the normal course of business have excess food that they cannot sell. After sorting and inventory, a food bank distributes the food to 100 to 1,000 non-profit community or government agencies, including but not limited to food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, orphanages, and schools.
Explore possibilities for long-term involvement with the Guatemalan Presbyterian church.
Habitat for Humanity
The Fund for Humanity’s mission statement: What the poor need is not charity but capital, not caseworkers but co- workers. And what the rich need is a wise, honorable and just way of divesting themselves of their overabundance. The Fund for Humanity will meet both of these needs. Money for the fund will come from shared gifts by those who feel they have more than they need and from non-interest bearing loans from those who cannot afford to make a gift but who do want to provide working capital for the disinherited . . . The fund will give away no money. It is not a handout.
Health Care for the Homeless
For over two decades, Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless has served our community as the only health care organization in Central New Mexico dedicated exclusively to providing services to homeless people. AHCH provides critical services to over 7,500 men, women and children every year. By addressing the health-related causes of homelessness, AHCH makes it possible for people to find solutions to end their homelessness.
Heifer Project International
Solving the problem of world hunger has been a heartfelt vision of many people, but the sheer magnitude of the problem has overwhelmed the most sincere individuals and corporations who are keen on vision but bereft of finances or logistics. Heifer Project International is the outgrowth of one man with a vision and a practical method of implementation that did not require inordinate financial underwriting.
Family Promise
Family Promise is a program which helps families that are homeless. It is an initial 30-day program that provides…
- Shelter in local congregations
- 2 daily meals
- Case management services
- Life skills assessment and guidance
- Shower, laundry, phone & computer facilities
- Volunteers with community outreach opportunities
- Opportunity for public awareness of families experiencing homelessness
Just Coffee
Just Coffee Cooperative is a worker-owned coffee roaster dedicated to creating and expanding a model of trade based on transparency, equality, and human dignity. We strive to build long-term relationships with small-scale coffee growers to bring you a truly incredible cup of coffee.
Meals on Wheels
Our Mission is to provide national leadership to end senior hunger. On September 1, 2009, the MOWAA Board of Directors approved a new vision for the Meals On Wheels Association of America: to end senior hunger by 2020. In order to turn this 2020 vision into a reality, we have started a national movement to end senior hunger by 2020: Our goal is to recruit 6 million people who are willing to stand up and pledge to do what it takes to end senior hunger.
Menaul Historical Library of the Southwest
The Menaul Historical Library of the Southwest, located in Bennett Hall on the school campus, was founded in 1974. The library serves as the official archive of Menaul School and John Hyson Educational Center in Chimayó. In addition, it is a primary source of information on Presbyterian and related Protestant history in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah. The library's collections include books, letters, Bibles, Menaul alumni records, photographs, microfilm, artifacts, manuscripts, oral histories and other memorabilia. All these materials are accessible on site to researchers, students, alumni, churches and other interested parties. Books on Presbyterian, mission school and Southwestern history published by the library are available for sale.
Menaul School
Student Grants. In an ecumenical and multicultural environment, Menaul School prepares students for success in college, and teaches them to engage the world as lifelong learners and ethical leaders in service to the community, respecting the Christian tradition.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic events. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is the emergency and refugee program of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. The core budget, including staff and administrative costs, is funded through the One Great Hour of Sharing, and its program work is additionally funded through designated gifts.
Rio Grande Food Project
The Rio Grande Food Project is one of the largest and longest operating food pantries in Albuquerque. The twenty year old non-profit’s mission is to feed hungry New Mexicans. Last year the Food Project served 206 tons of food to 25,000 hungry children, youth, adults and elderly. The pantry draws people from across the metro area and beyond. The agency is run by volunteers and a part-time Executive Director who reports to a Board of Directors. The Rio Grande Food Project is a federally-designated 501(c) 3 organization dedicated to providing emergency food relief to hungry individuals and families throughout the Albuquerque metro area. Persons in need are given a week’s worth of food for the entire household. The Food Project strives to provide a balanced diet of fresh produce, eggs, cheese, breads, canned or packaged food and frozen meat.
Hope Works/St. Martin’s Hospitality Center
Hope Works/St. Martin's Hospitality Center is one of New Mexico's largest multi-program providers of services for the homeless. Founded in 1985 by volunteers from local Episcopal churches, the agency is now a private, nonsectarian 501(c)3 organization that partners with community, municipal, state, and federal agencies in pursuit of its mission: "to assist homeless and near-homeless people by providing resources, opportunities, and hope. Hope Works recognizes that responding to the most basic human needs is a crucial starting point for comprehensive service and treatment, and that continuing attention to the client's perception of those needs is crucial to maintaining treatment engagement. We have discovered that an individual's greatest resources are their own skills and strengths; their greatest opportunity, that of integration in the community; and their greatest hope, the freedom to choose their own path.
Theological Education Fund
The Theology Worship and Education ministry area contributes to the formation of communities of discipleship through education in the faith and faithfulness of the whole church; paying sustained attention to the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. This ministry area develops educational materials, worship resources, leader development programs and theological studies that support the church’s faith and life.