From Calendar: General
Location: CE Rooms 210 & 211
This year we will have two Godly Play Classrooms. One classroom will be for 3-6 year olds and the other will be for 7-11 year olds. Parents can drop off their child at 9:45am in the children’s library for music & movement. Godly Play Sunday school starts at 10:00am, parents should plan to pick their child up at the children’s classroom at 10:45.
From Calendar: General
Location: C.E. Room 219
Through the Bible Class meets each Sunday in Room 219 of the C.E. building.
From Calendar: General
Location: Kerygma Room / Zoom
Adult Sunday School meets in the Kerygma Room and via Zoom for a hybrid study class each Sunday morning at 9:45am.
If you’d like to partake via Zoom, please contact the Church Office for details.
From Calendar: General
Location: FPC Sanctuary
Congregational Meeting for January
Our Congregational Meeting will be held immediately following the 11:00am service on January 30th in the sanctuary. This meeting will be to approve install pastors terms of call and nominate and elect corporate officers.