Events for General Calendar

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 (4 events)

General Staff Meeting (10:00 am)

From Calendar: General

Location: Virtual Conference


Microsoft Teams Meetings

Tuesday Study & Prayer Group (12:00 pm)

From Calendar: General

Location: Zoom Meeting


Contact Matthew Miller or Marjorie Buck for Zoom Meeting details.

Listening Group (5:00 pm)

From Calendar: General

Location: Fellowship Hall


Our Mental Health committee recognizes this and is partnering with the Deacons to create a listening space prior to our annual Longest Night service on Tuesday, December 21st. At 5:00pm that evening, you are invited to come and share your thoughts and feelings in a listening session as we process, together, the most-ness what we are feeling deeply.

Worship and Music Committee Meeting (5:30 pm)

From Calendar: General

Location: Kerygma Room


Committee Meeting