Events for General Calendar

Monday, March 22, 2021 (1 events)

Lenten Study Groups - Monday Class (12:30 pm)

From Calendar: General

Location: Zoom Meetings


Hello everyone! Our Lenten book groups begin this week! Matthew will be leading the group on Mondays at noon, and Libby and Stephanie will lead the Wednesday evening 5:30-6:30 group.  At the bottom of this email you’ll find the Zoom information, and it’s the same link for both Monday and Wednesday every week (we’ll email reminders each week, but it’s always the same link). Let me know if you have any questions. I’ve also included the reading schedule below, since we aren’t reading straight through Accidental Saints, but instead we’ll be picking specific chapters out for discussion.

Accidental Saints by Nadia Bolz-Weber

Lenten Book Groups

Week 1: Chapter 1 - Saint Cookies and Chapter 11- Parlors – 2/22
Week 2: Chapter 2 - Absolution for Assholes – 3/1
Week 3: Chapter 17 - Judas Will Now Take Your Confession – 3/8
Week 4: Chapter 13 - Dirty Feet – 3/15
Week 5: Chapter 14 - The Dogs of Good Friday – 3/22
Week 6: Chapter 15 - Vignettes From an Easter Vigil, and Chapter 16 - Charcoal Fires and Jail Cells – 3/29