Events for General Calendar

Wednesday, April 01, 2020 (4 events)

Archives (10:00 am)

From Calendar: General

Location: Westminster Youth Rooms


Community Life Committee (12:00 pm)

From Calendar: General

Location: Volunteer Work Room


Wednesday Lenten Study Group (5:30 pm)

From Calendar: General

Location: Kerygma Room


Creation and the Cross, The Mercy of God for a Planet in Peril by Elizabeth Johnson. This text will be the focus of our Lenten Discussion groups that will begin the first week of March (March 3rd).  Matthew Miller will lead a group at 12:30pm on Tuesdays, and Stephanie and Libby will lead a group on Wednesdays at 5:30pm in the Kerygma Room. Possession of and reading the book is not required of participants, but will be helpful.  There are currently two copies in our church library.  The book is also available on Kindle.  Please sign up for books in the church office.